
2024-2025本科目录| 20253



贝米吉州立大学 fosters the highest standards of academic integrity and the highest regard for truth and honesty. The attempt by students to present as their own any work not actually performed by them; collusion, 制造, 还有考试作弊, 论文, and other course-related work; stealing, 复制, or selling examinations; substituting for others in class discussions or examinations; producing other students' 论文 or projects; knowingly furnishing false or misleading academic information to University officials or on official University records; and altering such information on official University records are considered violations of academic integrity and destructive to the central mission of the University.

违反学术诚信者,应依法追究其责任, 经过正当程序后, be subject to University sanctions that may include failure on assignments and examinations and in 课程, 以及停职或开除.

建立学术诚信政策, 程序, and sanctions are communicated in classes and publications such as the student/教师 guides, 在培训项目中. 欲了解更多信息,请参阅学生手册jpz7.doobale.com/offices/student-life-success/handbook/ .



Students are also expected to be familiar with academic policies and 程序 as described in this catalog, 以及手册中的内容.

Students are expected to be familiar with the Student 行为准则 and the Student Conduct System as presented in the Student Handbook. The rights and responsibilities of students and the expectations of the University are described in the guide, 还有申诉和其他程序. 威胁自己或他人的安全或福利的行为, 或者本质上是骚扰或歧视, 会立即由大学覆核, 我们将采取适当的行动. The Student 行为准则 does not replace or reduce the 需求 of civil or criminal laws. 学生手册可在www上访问.doobale.com/offices/student-life-success/handbook/.


校园不是一般法律的避难所. University community members violating civil or criminal law may be subject to University Conduct 程序 for the same conduct when the conduct occurs on campus or when it occurs off campus but is directly related to the University community. 大学可自行决定发起学生行为行为行动.


贝米吉州立大学 protects the privacy of student education records as required by the 家庭教育权利和隐私法 (FERPA) of 1974 and the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA). These federal and state laws provide information on the privacy and confidentiality of student educational records. 这是学生权利的通知, policy and 程序 is available in hard copy and in alternative formats from the Office of Student Life & 成功,313副厅,记录和注册办公室,101副厅.

The laws are applicable to postsecondary institutions in two primary ways: 1) institutions must permit students to inspect and review their education records; and 2) in most instances only information defined and publicized by the institution in semester class schedules as "directory information" will be released without the expressed consent of the student unless otherwise directed by the student. 然而, under certain circumstances all educational records may be released without consent of the student.

More detailed information regarding data privacy laws is available in the Student Handbook.


根据联邦法律的要求, the rates at which full-time students complete bachelor's degrees from the University within a specified period of time are available on request in the Office of Institutional Research or in the Admissions Office in 副厅.

Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act

年度保安报告, 由公共安全部出版, 是发给所有学生的吗, 未来的学生, 教师, 工作人员, 以及未来的雇员, 并可应要求提供. 这份报告, which is in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, 包含安全政策和做法和校园犯罪统计. 该报告也可在www上在线阅读.doobale.com/offices/safety/annual_report/.


Provisions addressing the rights of victims of sexual violence or assault were added to existing Minnesota State University Board policy on September 30, 1992. 受害者权利法案政策适用于所有学生, 教师, 和工作人员, of 贝米吉州立大学 and the 明尼苏达州立学院和大学 系统. 该政策印在学生手册和年度安全报告中.


For further information on rights and responsibilities, refer to the following publications:



The grievance 程序 for challenging grades and registering complaints about 教师, 课程, 教学过程, and related academic concerns are described fully in the Policies and Procedures section of the Student Handbook. This section also describes administrative 程序 for dealing with non-academic complaints such as discrimination and harassment. 该手册可在www上查阅.doobale.com/offices/student-life-success/handbook/.


The University maintains a record of written student complaints filed with the offices of the President, 教务长兼学术事务副校长, 负责学生生活的副主席 & 成功,以及财务和行政副总裁. Summary information regarding student complaints to these administrative offices is provided to the Higher Learning Commission (North Central Association), 应他们的要求并遵守资料私隐政策, 作为大学定期评审的一部分.

贝米吉州立大学 endorses the Minnesota State Legislature's ethic of zero tolerance toward sexual violence and sexual harassment. All members of the Bemidji State Community are expected to comply with the letter of protective laws, 并将这些法律的精神铭记于心. 了解违反规定的后果, 新葡京博彩官网报告事件, refer to sexual violence/harassment publications available at the Hobson Memorial Union Information Desk and other campus locations, 或联系学生生活办公室 & 成功, 副厅, 218-755-2075; Department of Public Safety, 核桃大厅, 218-755-3888; the Human Resources Office, 副厅, 218-755-3966, 或者学生健康咨询办公室, 218-755-2080.